, 请注意,我找到的所有指南都已经过时了,要么编写了多余的代码,要么要求您做一些不再有效的事情。
搜索框行操作class My_List_Table extends WP_List_Table {
function __construct() {
\'singular\' => \'employee\',
\'plural\' => \'employees\',
function get_columns() {
return [
\'name\' => __(\'Name\'),
\'employer\' => __(\'Employer\'),
\'rank\' => __(\'Rank\'),
\'phone\' => __(\'Telephone\'),
\'joined\' => __(\'Join Date\'),
/* Optional - without it no column is sortable */
public function get_sortable_columns() {
return [
// keys are "column_name" like above
// values are "order" field names as per what your data model needs
\'name\' => \'name\',
\'employer\' => \'employer\',
\'rank\' => \'rank\',
\'joined\' => \'joined\',
public function prepare_items() {
// support the search box
$search = @$_REQUEST[\'s\'] ? wp_unslash(trim($_REQUEST[\'s\']))) : \'\';
// get number of records per page setting from option storage
$per_page = $this->get_items_per_page(\'my_list_table_per_page\');
// fill data array with your model items. In my implementation these
// are StdClass instances with various fields, but it can be anything
// we\'ll see in a minute how.
$this->items = get_model_items([
\'offset\' => ($this->get_pagenum()-1)*$per_page,
\'count\' => $per_page,
\'orderby\' => @$_GET["orderby"] ?: \'id\', // default order field, if not specified
\'order\' => @$_GET["order"] ?: \'ASC\', // default order direction
\'search\' => $search, // pass search field if set
\'status\' => @$_REQUEST[\'status\'] // pass view filter, if set [see get_views()]
"total_items" => get_model_item_count(),
"per_page" => $per_page,
// `get_model_item_count` should be the total number of records after
// filtering (views and search) but before paging. This may be hard/inefficient
// to do with MySQL. If you want to put the results of `COUNT(*)` here,
// no one will blame you.
public function column_default($item, $column_name) {
// default column presentation
// Most of my object fields are printable as is, so we have a generic
// method to handle that.
return $item->$column_name;
/* Optional, unless you have data that requires special formatting */
public function column_joined($item) {
// The \'joined\' field is a DateTime object and can\'t be implicitly
// converted to string by the built-in logic, so we\'ll need to do it
return $item->joined->format("Y-m-d");
/* Optional - draw quick filters on top of the table */
public function get_views() {
$makelink = function($filter_val, $name) { // DRYing tool for view makers
$filter_name = \'status\';
return \'<a href="\'
. esc_url(add_query_arg($filter_name, $filter_val)) . \'" \' .
(@$_REQUEST[$filter_name]==$filter_val ?
\'class="current" aria-current="page"\' : \'\'). ">" .
$name . "</a>";
return [
\'all\' => $makelink(false, __(\'All\')),
\'green\' => $makelink(\'green\', __(\'Newbs\')),
\'pros\' => $makelink(\'pro\', __(\'Experts\')),
\'bofh\' => $makelink(\'veteran\', __(\'Crusty fellows\')),
/* Optional: row actions */
public function handle_row_actions($item, $column_name, $primary) {
$out = parent::handle_row_actions($item, $column_name, $primary);
if ($column_name === $primary)
$out .= $this->row_actions([
\'edit\' => sprintf(\'<a href="%s">%s</a>\',
add_query_arg(\'employee_id\', $item->id, admin_url(\'admin.php?page=edit-employee\')),
\'delete\' => sprintf(\'<a href="%s">%s</a>\',
add_query_arg(\'employee_id\', $item->id, admin_url(\'admin.php?page=delete-employee\')),
return $out;
) 可能如下所示:
function drawAdminPage() {
$my_list_table = new My_List_Table();
<div class="wrap">
<h1 class="wp-heading-inline"><?php _e(\'Admin Page Title\')?></h1>
<hr class="wp-header-end">
<?php $my_list_table->views() ?>
<form id="employee-filter" method="get">
<input type="hidden" name="page" value="<?php echo $_REQUEST[\'page\']?>">
<?php $my_list_table->search_box(__(\'Search\'), \'employee\') ?>
<?php $my_list_table->display(); ?>