Output from Meta Box Array

时间:2012-02-15 作者:andy rob



<?php if (have_posts() ):?>

        <?php while ( have_posts() ) :the_post();?>
     // need a loop here until all instances colony are reached 
        $hive = $meta[\'colony\'] [0][\'hive\']; 
                $queen = $meta[\'colony\'] [0][\'cb_ex4_cb\'];
        $bias = $meta[\'colony\'] [0][\'cb_ex4_bias\'];
        $brood = $meta[\'colony\'] [0][\'cb_ex4_bcom\'];
        $stores = $meta[\'colony\'] [0][\'stores\'];
        $mycomm = $meta[\'colony\'] [0][\'comment\'];
        $plan = $meta[\'colony\'] [0][\'plan\'];

            <table id="anytable" summary="Colony Inspections" cellspacing="0">
            <caption>        < ?php echo   $inspect;?> 
            <?php       the_title(); ?></caption>           

    <tr>        <!-- want additional rows added for each colony -->
    <th scope="row"><?php echo $hive; ?></th> 
    <td><div><?php echo $queen; ?></div></td>
    <td><div><?php echo $brood; ?></div></td>
    <td><div><?php echo $stores; ?></div></td>
    <td><?php echo $mycomm; ?></td>
    <td><?php echo $plan; ?></td>

    <?php endwhile; ?>

    <?php endif; ?>

2 个回复

将元数据作为“平面”数据添加到帖子中实际的问题是,在调用get_post_custom( $id ); 为您的帖子。这里有一个简单的函数,它将附加到post的所有元数据添加到post对象。

 * Merges custom/meta data with post data
 * 1) get_post_custom() is cached from the WP_Query
 * 2) The following line gets the first element from each meta array as it\'s only a single value
 * It then merges the resulting flattened Array with the post object that gets casted to another Array
 * @param array $query
 * @return array result 
public function add_meta_data( $query )
    foreach ( $query as $post )
        $result[] = array_merge( 
             array_map( \'array_shift\', get_post_custom( $post->ID ) )
            ,(array) $post 

    return $result;
然后,我们简单地用<table>. 您可以添加<thead><th>etc. 之前和<tfoot>etc. 之后那就把你所有的<tr><td>Cell</td>etc. 在回路内部。

// Before your loop:
global $wp_query;
// Merge the queried posts with their meta data, using our custom template tag/function
$query = add_meta_data( $wp_query->posts );

echo "<table>";
// Loop through our new query array
foreach ( $query as $post )
        // This extracts your post object, so you don\'t have to save them in separate vars
        // @see @link http://php.net/manual/de/function.extract.php
        extract( $post, EXTR_SKIP );

        echo "<tr>";
        // Then simply call all your meta data like this:
        echo "<td>{$hive}</td>";
        // Then add other meta data here:
        echo "<td>{$whatever}</td>";
        echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>";



// need a loop here until all instances colony are reached 

foreach( $meta[\'colony\'] as $colony ){
    echo \'<tr>\';
    foreach( $colony as $key => $value ){
        //$key may contain \'cb_ex4_cb\'
        //$value may contain what you put in $queen
        echo \'<td>$value</td>\'; 
    echo \'</tr>\';



