Paginate a list of users?

时间:2013-06-27 作者:Austin Biggs



 * @package WordPress
 * @subpackage themename
 * Template Name: Vendors Page

get_header(); ?>
    $url = $_SERVER[\'REQUEST_URI\'];
    $tokens = explode(\'/\', $url);
    $usernameCheck = $tokens[sizeof($tokens)-2];
    if ($usernameCheck != \'vendors\') {
        $username = $usernameCheck;
        $username = str_replace("-", " ", $username);

<? endif; ?>
    $currentUserID = get_current_user_id(); 
    $page = (!empty($_GET[\'userp\'])) ? $_GET[\'userp\'] : 1;
    $per_page = 10;
    $offset = ( ($page -1) * $per_page);
<div id="main">
        <div id="primary">
            <div id="content">

                <?php the_post(); ?>
                <div class="contentLeft">

                <article id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>" <?php post_class(); ?> role="article">

                    <h1 class="entry-title"><?php if (!empty($username)) {echo $username; ?> <a class="profileEdit">Click Here To Edit Your Profile</a><?php }  else {the_title();} ?></h1>

                    <?php if (!empty($username)) { ?> 

                            // WP_User_Query arguments
                            $args = array (
                                \'exclude\'        => array( 1 ),
                                \'count_total\'    => true,
                                \'fields\'         => \'all_with_meta\',
                                \'meta_query\'     => array(
                                        \'key\'       => \'user_business\',
                                        \'value\'     => $username,
                                        \'compare\'   => \'LIKE\',


                            // The User Query
                            $user_query = new WP_User_Query( $args );

                            // The User Loop
                            if ( ! empty( $user_query->results ) ) {
                                foreach ( $user_query->results as $user ) { ?>
                            <?php if ( $currentUserID == $user->ID ) { ?><div class="profileEdit"><?php echo do_shortcode(\'[gravityform id="4" title="false" description="false"]\'); ?></div><?php } ?> 
                            <div class="profileLeft">
                                <?php if (isset($user->user_pic)) { ?>
                                                <img src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/thumb.php?src=<?php echo $user->user_pic; ?>&w=235&h=147" title="<?php echo $user->user_business; ?>" alt="<?php echo $user->user_business; ?>" class="profilePic" />
                                <?php } else { $imgURL = get_template_directory_uri() . "/images/vendor_placeholder.jpg"; ?>
                                                <img src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/thumb.php?src=<?php echo $imgURL; ?>&w=235&h=147&zc=2" title="<?php echo $user->user_business; ?>" alt="<?php echo $user->user_business; ?>" class="profilePic" />
                                <?php } ?>
                                <h6>Owner Name:</h6>
                                <?php echo $user->first_name; ?>&nbsp;<?php echo $user->last_name; ?><br /><br />

                                <?php if ($user->user_address_show == \'Yes\') { ?>
                                    <?php echo $user->user_address_street; ?><br /><?php echo $user->user_address_city; ?>,&nbsp;KS&nbsp;<?php echo $user->user_address_zip; ?><br /><br />
                                <?php } ?>

                                <?php echo $user->user_phone; ?>

                                <a href="mailto:<?php echo $user->user_email; ?>" class="contactVendor">Contact Us Via Email</a>

                                <h6>Markets We Attend:</h6>
                                <?php if (isset($user->we_attend_east)) { ?><div class="location east"><strong>East Wichita</strong><br />Green Acres Market</div><?php } ?>
                                <?php if (isset($user->we_attend_west)) { ?><div class="location west"><strong>West Wichita</strong><br />Sedgwick County Ext. Office</div><?php } ?>
                                <?php if (isset($user->we_attend_delano)) { ?><div class="location delano"><strong>Delano in Wichita</strong><br />Lawrence Dumont Parking lot</div><?php } ?>
                                <?php if (isset($user->we_attend_derby)) { ?><div class="location derby"><strong>Derby, Kansas</strong></div><?php } ?>

                                <?php if (isset($user->attend_this_week_east) || isset($user->attend_this_week_wast) || isset($user->attend_this_week_delano) || isset($user->attend_this_week_derby)) { ?>
                                <div class="attend">We will be at the 
                                <?php if (isset($user->attend_this_week_east)): ?>East Wichita Market<?php if (isset($user->attend_this_week_west) || isset($user->attend_this_week_delano) || isset($user->attend_this_week_derby)): ?>,<?php endif; ?><?php endif; ?>
                                <?php if (isset($user->attend_this_week_west)): ?>West Wichita Market<?php if (isset($user->attend_this_week_delano) || isset($user->attend_this_week_derby)): ?>,<?php endif; ?><?php endif; ?>
                                <?php if (isset($user->attend_this_week_delano)): ?>Delano in Wichita Market<?php if (isset($user->attend_this_week_derby)): ?><?php endif; ?><?php if (isset($user->attend_this_week_derby)): ?>&nbsp;and<?php endif; ?><?php endif; ?>
                                <?php if (isset($user->attend_this_week_derby)): ?>Derby, Kansas Market<?php endif; ?>
                                this week!
                                <?php } ?>

                                <h6>Items sold at market:</h6>
                                <ul class="profileItemsSold">
                                    <?php if (isset($user->product_1)){ ?><li><?php echo $user->product_1; ?></li><?php } ?>
                                    <?php if (isset($user->product_2)){ ?><li><?php echo $user->product_2; ?></li><?php } ?>
                                    <?php if (isset($user->product_3)){ ?><li><?php echo $user->product_3; ?></li><?php } ?>
                                    <?php if (isset($user->product_4)){ ?><li><?php echo $user->product_4; ?></li><?php } ?>
                                    <?php if (isset($user->product_5)){ ?><li><?php echo $user->product_5; ?></li><?php } ?>

                                <?php if (isset($user->user_organic)){ ?>
                                    <div class="organic">Organic | Chemical Free</div>
                                <?php } ?>

                                <?php if (isset($user->user_producer)){ ?>
                                    <div class="producer">100% Producer</div>
                                <?php } ?>


                            <div class="profileRight">
                                <h6>About Us:</h6>
                                <p><?php echo $user->user_about; ?></p>

                            <div class="profileBottom">
                                <?php if (isset($user->user_profile_pic)){ ?><h1 class="entry-title">View Our Photos</h1><?php } ?>

                                <?php if (isset($user->user_profile_pic)){ ?>
                                    <div id="userPicsContainer">
                                        <img src="<?php bloginfo(\'template_url\'); ?>/images/user_pics_prev.png" class="prev"/>
                                        <img src="<?php bloginfo(\'template_url\'); ?>/images/user_pics_next.png" class="next"/>
                                        <div class="targetDiv">
                                                <li><a href="<?php echo $user->user_profile_pic; ?>" class="fresco" data-fresco-caption="<?php echo $user->user_profile_pic_c; ?>"><img src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/thumb.php?src=<?php echo $user->user_profile_pic; ?>&h=134&w=119" alt="<?php echo $user->user_profile_pic_c; ?>" title="<?php echo $user->user_profile_pic_c; ?>" /></a></li>

                                                <?php if (isset($user->user_pic_1)){ ?><li><a href="<?php echo $user->user_pic_1; ?>" class="fresco" data-fresco-caption="<?php echo $user->user_pic_1_c; ?>"><img src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/thumb.php?src=<?php echo $user->user_pic_1; ?>&h=134&w=119" alt="<?php echo $user->user_pic_1_c; ?>" title="<?php echo $user->user_pic_1_c; ?>" /></a></li><?php } ?>

                                                <?php if (isset($user->user_pic_2)){ ?><li><a href="<?php echo $user->user_pic_2; ?>" class="fresco" data-fresco-caption="<?php echo $user->user_pic_2_c; ?>"><img src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/thumb.php?src=<?php echo $user->user_pic_2; ?>&h=134&w=119" alt="<?php echo $user->user_pic_2_c; ?>" title="<?php echo $user->user_pic_2_c; ?>" /></a></li><?php } ?>

                                                <?php if (isset($user->user_pic_3)){ ?><li><a href="<?php echo $user->user_pic_3; ?>" class="fresco" data-fresco-caption="<?php echo $user->user_pic_3_c; ?>"><img src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/thumb.php?src=<?php echo $user->user_pic_3; ?>&h=134&w=119" alt="<?php echo $user->user_pic_3_c; ?>" title="<?php echo $user->user_pic_3_c; ?>" /></a></li><?php } ?>

                                                <?php if (isset($user->user_pic_4)){ ?><li><a href="<?php echo $user->user_pic_4; ?>" class="fresco" data-fresco-caption="<?php echo $user->user_pic_4_c; ?>"><img src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/thumb.php?src=<?php echo $user->user_pic_4; ?>&h=134&w=119" alt="<?php echo $user->user_pic_4_c; ?>" title="<?php echo $user->user_pic_4_c; ?>" /></a></li><?php } ?>

                                                <?php if (isset($user->user_pic_5)){ ?><li><a href="<?php echo $user->user_pic_5; ?>" class="fresco" data-fresco-caption="<?php echo $user->user_pic_5_c; ?>"><img src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/thumb.php?src=<?php echo $user->user_pic_5; ?>&h=134&w=119" alt="<?php echo $user->user_pic_5_c; ?>" title="<?php echo $user->user_pic_5_c; ?>" /></a></li><?php } ?>

                                                <?php if (isset($user->user_pic_6)){ ?><li><a href="<?php echo $user->user_pic_6; ?>" class="fresco" data-fresco-caption="<?php echo $user->user_pic_6_c; ?>"><img src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/thumb.php?src=<?php echo $user->user_pic_6; ?>&h=134&w=119" alt="<?php echo $user->user_pic_6_c; ?>" title="<?php echo $user->user_pic_6_c; ?>" /></a></li><?php } ?>

                                                <?php if (isset($user->user_pic_7)){ ?><li><a href="<?php echo $user->user_pic_7; ?>" class="fresco" data-fresco-caption="<?php echo $user->user_pic_7_c; ?>"><img src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/thumb.php?src=<?php echo $user->user_pic_7; ?>&h=134&w=119" alt="<?php echo $user->user_pic_7_c; ?>" title="<?php echo $user->user_pic_7_c; ?>" /></a></li><?php } ?>

                                                <?php if (isset($user->user_pic_8)){ ?><li><a href="<?php echo $user->user_pic_8; ?>" class="fresco" data-fresco-caption="<?php echo $user->user_pic_8_c; ?>"><img src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/thumb.php?src=<?php echo $user->user_pic_8; ?>&h=134&w=119" alt="<?php echo $user->user_pic_8_c; ?>" title="<?php echo $user->user_pic_8_c; ?>" /></a></li><?php } ?>

                                                <?php if (isset($user->user_pic_9)){ ?><li><a href="<?php echo $user->user_pic_9; ?>" class="fresco" data-fresco-caption="<?php echo $user->user_pic_9_c; ?>"><img src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/thumb.php?src=<?php echo $user->user_pic_9; ?>&h=134&w=119" alt="<?php echo $user->user_pic_9_c; ?>" title="<?php echo $user->user_pic_9_c; ?>" /></a></li><?php } ?>
                                <?php } ?>

                                <?php if (isset($user->user_twitter) || isset($user->user_facebook)){ ?><h1 class="entry-title">Socialize With Us</h1><?php } ?>

                                <?php if (isset($user->user_twitter)){ ?>
                                    <div id="twitterUserContainer">
                                        <img src="<?php bloginfo(\'template_url\'); ?>/images/twitter_prev.png" class="prev"/>
                                        <img src="<?php bloginfo(\'template_url\'); ?>/images/twitter_next.png" class="next"/>
                                        <div class="targetDiv">
                                            <?php echo do_shortcode(\'[twitter-user]\'); ?>
                                    <br style="clear:both;" />
                                <?php } ?>

                                <?php if (isset($user->user_facebook)){ ?>
                                    <iframe src="//<?php echo urlencode($user->user_facebook); ?>&amp;width=588&amp;height=590&amp;show_faces=true&amp;colorscheme=light&amp;stream=true&amp;show_border=true&amp;header=true&amp;appId=172839226207438" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:588px; height:590px;" allowTransparency="true"></iframe>
                                <?php } ?>

                            <?php } } ?>

                    <?php } else { ?>

                            // WP_User_Query arguments
                            $args = array (
                                \'exclude\'        => array( 1 ),
                                \'count_total\'    => true,
                                \'fields\'         => \'all_with_meta\',
                                \'number\' => $per_page,
                                \'offset\' => $offset,

                            // The User Query
                            $user_query = new WP_User_Query( $args );

                            // The User Loop
                            if ( ! empty( $user_query->results ) ) {
                                foreach ( $user_query->results as $user ) { ?>

                                    <div class="vendorContainer">
                                        <a href="<?php bloginfo(\'url\'); ?>/vendors/<?php echo str_replace(" ", "-", strtolower($user->user_business)); ?>">
                                            <?php if (isset($user->user_pic)) { ?>
                                                <img src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/thumb.php?src=<?php echo $user->user_pic; ?>&w=235&h=147" title="<?php echo $user->user_business; ?>" alt="<?php echo $user->user_business; ?>" />
                                            <?php } else { $imgURL = get_template_directory_uri() . "/images/vendor_placeholder.jpg"; ?>

                                                <img src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/thumb.php?src=<?php echo $imgURL; ?>&w=235&h=147&zc=2" title="<?php echo $user->user_business; ?>" alt="<?php echo $user->user_business; ?>" />
                                            <?php } ?></a>
                                            <div class="vendorContent">
                                                <h5><?php echo $user->user_business; ?><a href="<?php bloginfo(\'url\'); ?>/vendors/<?php echo str_replace(" ", "-", strtolower($user->user_business)); ?>" class="viewProfile">View Profile</a></h5>
                                                <strong>Item(s) sold at market:</strong>
                                                <ul><?php $productCounter = 0; ?>
                                                    <?php if (isset($user->product_1) && $productCounter == 0) { $productCounter = 1; ?><li><?php echo $user->product_1; ?></li><?php } ?>
                                                    <?php if (isset($user->product_2) && $productCounter == 0) { $productCounter = 1; ?><li><?php echo $user->product_2; ?></li><?php } ?>
                                                    <?php if (isset($user->product_3) && $productCounter == 0) { $productCounter = 1; ?><li><?php echo $user->product_3; ?></li><?php } ?>
                                                    <?php if (isset($user->product_4) && $productCounter == 0) { $productCounter = 1; ?><li><?php echo $user->product_4; ?></li><?php } ?>
                                                    <?php if (isset($user->product_5) && $productCounter == 0) { $productCounter = 1; ?><li><?php echo $user->product_5; ?></li><?php } ?>
                                                <strong>Market(s) we attend:</strong><?php $marketCounter = 0; ?>
                                                <?php if (isset($user->we_attend_east) && $marketCounter != 2) { $marketCounter++ ?><div class="location east"><strong>East Wichita</strong><br />Green Acres Market</div><?php } ?>
                                                <?php if (isset($user->we_attend_west) && $marketCounter != 2) { $marketCounter++ ?><div class="location west"><strong>West Wichita</strong><br />Sedgwick County Ext. Office</div><?php } ?>
                                                <?php if (isset($user->we_attend_delano) && $marketCounter != 2) { $marketCounter++ ?><div class="location delano"><strong>Delano in Wichita</strong><br />Lawrence Dumont Parking lot</div><?php } ?>
                                                <?php if (isset($user->we_attend_derby) && $marketCounter != 2) { $marketCounter++ ?><div class="location derby"><strong>Derby, Kansas</strong></div><?php } ?>

                            <?php } } ?>

                    <?php } ?>

                $page_args = array(
    \'base\'         => get_permalink( get_the_ID() ). \'%_%\',
    \'format\'       => add_query_arg(array(\'userp\' => \'%#%\')),
    \'total\'        => ceil($users->total_users / $per_page),
    \'current\'      => $page,
    \'show_all\'     => True,
    \'end_size\'     => 2,
    \'mid_size\'     => 2,
    \'prev_next\'    => True,
    \'prev_text\'    => __(\'« Previous\'),
    \'next_text\'    => __(\'Next »\'),
    \'type\'         => \'plain\',

echo paginate_links($page_args);

                </article><!-- #post-<?php the_ID(); ?> -->
                <?php if (!empty($username)) { ?><div class="contentRight"><?php if ( dynamic_sidebar(\'profile-sidebar\') ) : else : ?><?php endif; ?></div><?php } else { ?><?php get_sidebar(); ?><?php } ?>
            </div><!-- #content -->
        </div><!-- #primary -->
<?php get_footer(); ?>

2 个回复

正如BandonRandon在评论中提到的,您可以使用offsetnumber 一次查询10个用户。

以下是我在Simple User Listing 插件,该插件列出具有内置分页功能的用户,并能够自定义主题中的列表输出,因此可能会为您节省一些麻烦。

// Get Query Var for pagination. This already exists in WordPress
$page = (get_query_var(\'paged\')) ? get_query_var(\'paged\') : 1;

// Calculate the offset (i.e. how many users we should skip)
$offset = ($page - 1) * $number;

// users per page
$number = 10;

$args2 =
    \'offset\' => $offset,
    \'number\' => $number,

$sul_users = new WP_User_Query( $args );



$page = (!empty($_GET[\'userp\'])) ? $_GET[\'userp\'] : 1;
$per_page = 10;
$offset = ( ($page -1) * $per_page);

$args = array(
    \'fields\' => \'all_with_meta\',
    \'number\' => $per_page,
    \'offset\' => $offset,

$users = new WP_User_Query( $args );

foreach( $users->results as $user ) { 
  // this is your foreach loop
  // simplified for my convenience
  echo $user->user_login;
  echo \'<br>\';

$page_args = array(
    \'base\'         => get_permalink( get_the_ID() ). \'%_%\',
    \'format\'       => add_query_arg(array(\'userp\' => \'%#%\')),
    \'total\'        => ceil($users->total_users / $per_page),
    \'current\'      => $page,
    \'show_all\'     => True,
    \'end_size\'     => 2,
    \'mid_size\'     => 2,
    \'prev_next\'    => True,
    \'prev_text\'    => __(\'« Previous\'),
    \'next_text\'    => __(\'Next »\'),
    \'type\'         => \'plain\',

echo paginate_links($page_args);

看看paginate_links 如需调整分页,请参阅参数说明。

看见WP_User_Query 如果需要调整查询本身。
