我正在开发Hubspot Api,并试图通过Api获取所有博客帖子,但Api限制每次只有20篇帖子,我需要获得1960篇博客帖子。那我该怎么做呢?
Here is my code:
include \'wp-load.php\';
require_once(ABSPATH . "wp-admin" . \'/includes/image.php\');
require_once(ABSPATH . "wp-admin" . \'/includes/file.php\');
require_once(ABSPATH . "wp-admin" . \'/includes/media.php\');
require_once(ABSPATH . "wp-admin" . \'/includes/taxonomy.php\');
$apiKey = "9****966-***************";
$getArgs = array(\'timeout\' => 120);
// Grab all blog posts . \'&archived=false&offset=0&limit=300\' total=1906
$response = wp_remote_get(\'https://api.hubapi.com/content/api/v2/blog-posts?hapikey=\' . $apiKey . \'&archived=false&limit=1960&offset=0\', $getArgs);
$output = json_decode(wp_remote_retrieve_body($response), true);
$results = $output[\'objects\'];
foreach ($results as $item) {
$postStatus = \'publish\';
if ($item[\'blog_author\'][\'email\'] !== \'\') {
$user = get_user_by(\'email\', $item[\'blog_author\'][\'email\']);
if ($user == false) {
$user = wp_insert_user(array(
\'user_login\' => $item[\'blog_author\'][\'email\'],
\'user_email\' => $item[\'blog_author\'][\'email\'],
\'first_name\' => $item[\'blog_author\'][\'full_name\'],
\'user_pass\' => substr(str_shuffle(\'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789\'),
0, 10),
$user = get_user_by(\'id\', $user);
} else {
$user = wp_get_current_user();
if ($item[\'state\'] == \'DRAFT\') {
$postStatus = \'draft\';
} elseif ($item[\'state\'] == \'SCHEDULED\') {
$postStatus = \'future\';
$categories = $item[\'topic_ids\'];
$args = array(
\'posts_per_page\' => 1,
\'post_type\' => \'post\',
\'meta_key\' => \'hubspot_id\',
\'meta_value\' => $item[\'id\'],
\'meta_compare\' => \'=\'
$exists = new WP_Query($args);
if ($exists->post_count == 0) {
$post_id = wp_insert_post(array(
\'post_title\' => $item[\'name\'],
\'post_content\' => $item[\'post_body\'],
\'post_status\' => $postStatus,
//\'post_category\' => $categories,
\'post_type\' => \'post\',
\'post_date\' => date(\'Y-m-d H:i:s\', $item[\'publish_date\'] / 1000),
\'post_author\' => $user->ID
} else {
while ($exists->have_posts()) {
$post_id = wp_update_post(array(
\'ID\' => get_the_ID(),
\'post_title\' => $item[\'name\'],
\'post_content\' => $item[\'post_body\'],
\'post_status\' => $postStatus,
//\'post_category\' => $categories,
\'post_type\' => \'post\',
\'post_date\' => date(\'Y-m-d H:i:s\', $item[\'publish_date\'] / 1000),
\'post_author\' => $user->ID
if (!empty($post_id) && !is_null($post_id)) {
$image_url = $item[\'featured_image\'];
if ($image_url !== \'\' && isset($image_url)) {
$imageAltText = $item[\'featured_image_alt_text\'];
$temp_file = download_url($image_url);
$file = array(
\'name\' => basename($image_url), // ex: wp-header-logo.png
\'type\' => wp_check_filetype($temp_file, null)[\'type\'],
\'tmp_name\' => $temp_file,
\'error\' => 0,
\'size\' => filesize($temp_file),
$overrides = [
\'test_form\' => false,
\'test_size\' => true,
$results = wp_handle_sideload($file, $overrides);
if (empty($results[\'error\'])) {
$filename = $results[\'file\']; // Full path to the file
$local_url = $results[\'url\']; // URL to the file in the uploads dir
$type = $results[\'type\']; // MIME type of the file
// Set attachment data
$attachment = [
\'post_mime_type\' => $type,
\'post_title\' => sanitize_file_name($imageAltText),
\'post_content\' => \'\',
\'post_status\' => \'inherit\'
// Create the attachment
$attach_id = wp_insert_attachment($attachment, $filename, $post_id);
if (has_post_thumbnail($post_id)) {
$oldthumbnail = get_post_thumbnail_id($post_id);
wp_delete_attachment($oldthumbnail, true);
// Define attachment metadata
$attach_data = wp_generate_attachment_metadata($attach_id, $filename);
// Assign metadata to attachment
wp_update_attachment_metadata($attach_id, $attach_data);
// And finally assign featured image to post
set_post_thumbnail($post_id, $attach_id);
if (!add_post_meta($post_id, \'hubspot_id\', $item[\'id\'], true)) {
update_post_meta($post_id, \'hubspot_id\', $item[\'id\']);
$topicIds = $item[\'topic_ids\'];
$getArgs = array(\'timeout\' => 120);
$topics = [];
foreach ($topicIds as $topicId) {
$response = wp_remote_get(\'https://api.hubapi.com/blogs/v3/topics/\' . $topicId . \'?hapikey=9****966-***************\', $getArgs);
$topics[] = json_decode(wp_remote_retrieve_body($response), true);
foreach ($topics as $topic) {
$catarr = array(
\'cat_name\' => $topic[\'name\'],
\'category_description\' => $topic[\'description\'],
\'category_nicename\' => $topic[\'slug\'],
\'taxonomy\' => \'category\'
$category_id = wp_insert_category($catarr);
wp_set_post_terms($post_id, $category_id, "category", true);
$default_category = (int)get_option(\'default_category\');
if (in_category($default_category, $post_id)) {
// get list of all the post categories
$post_categories = get_the_category($post_id);
// count the total of the categories
$total_categories = count($post_categories);
// check if the post is in more than 1 category (the default one and more..)
if ($total_categories > 1) {
// remove the default category from the post
wp_remove_object_terms($post_id, $default_category, \'category\');