Have a quick script to search for untranslated pages, and then returning a translate link. (Polylang makes a new post for a translation, which is then linked to the original.)
All is working well, except the nonce:
$url = admin_url(\'post-new.php?post_type=product&from_post=\' . $ID . \'&new_lang=\' . $lang);
$nonce_url = wp_nonce_url($url);
Returns a beautifully formatted url, with an invalid nonce:
The link in the admin panel reads exactly the same, but with a working nonce:
I like to think Im alright with WP, but this is breaking my head.
Does anyone have any sort of idea why it is generating invalid links??
Full code:
$lang = $_POST[\'lang\'];
if ($lang == \'nl\') { $language = \'Dutch\';}
elseif ($lang == \'pt\') { $language = \'Portuguese\';}
else { $language = \'Something is going awry, I dont know \' . $lang;}
echo \'<h2>Missing \' . $language . \' translations</h2>\';
// An array of all published WC_Product Objects
$products = wc_get_products( array( \'status\' => \'publish\', \'limit\' => -1,\'lang\' => \'en\', ) );
// Displaying the number of products in this array
echo \'<p>Total number of products published: \' . sizeof( $products ) . \'</p>\';
// Loop through products and save some data using WC_Product and stuff in array
$tobearray = [];
$count = 0;
foreach ( $products as $product ){
$ID = $product->get_id();
$title = $product->get_title();
if (!pll_get_post($ID, $lang)) {
$url = admin_url(\'post-new.php?post_type=product&from_post=\' . $ID . \'&new_lang=\' . $lang);
$nonce_url = wp_nonce_url($url);
//wp_nonce_url( $url); // Adding our nonce to the url with a unique id made from the expiry timestamp
$addpostlink = \'<a href="\' . wp_nonce_url(\'/wp-admin/post-new.php?post_type=product&from_post=\' . $ID . \'&new_lang=\' . $lang) . \'" target="_blank"> click here</a>\';
$tobearray[] = [\'ID\' => $ID, \'Title\' => $title, \'Link\' => $addpostlink ];
echo \'<p>Number of Products that are missing their \' . $lang . \' translation: \' . $count . \'</p>\';
echo \'Posts that need a \' . $language . \' translation: \';
Click on the link in the table below to create a new translation. After the link opens (its a bit slow, pls wait), just open the original English product to copy and paste the title and description so you can translate them.
<table border="1">
<?php foreach($tobearray as $row) {
echo(implode(\'</td><td>\', $row));
} ?>